Terms & Conditions

I give my consent to participate in the physical fitness

evaluation program conducted by Tenacious Fitness with Liz.


Participation in a regular program of physical activity has been shown to produce positive changes in a number of

organ systems. These changes include increased work capacity, improved cardiovascular efficiency, and increased

muscular strength, flexibility, power and endurance.


I recognize that exercise carries some risk to the musculoskeletal system (sprains, strains) and the cardiorespiratory

system (dizziness, discomfort in breathing, heart attack). I hereby certify that I know of no medical problem

(except those noted below) that would increase my risk of illness and injury as a result of participation in a regular

exercise program.


I understand that I will undergo initial testing to determine my current physical fitness status. The testing will consist

of completing this health inventory, taking a step test or bicycle ergometer test for cardiovascular fitness, and

being tested for muscular fitness and body composition.

I further understand that such screening is intended to provide Tenacious Fitness with Liz

with essential information used in the development of individual fitness programs. I understand that my individual

results will be made available only to me. I also understand that the testing is not intended to replace any other

medical test or the services of my physician. I will be provided a copy of all test results. I may share the results with

whomever I please, including my personal physician. By signing this consent form I understand that I am personally

responsible for my actions during my tenure at Tenacious Fitness with Liz , and that I

waive the responsibility of this center if I should incur any injury as a result of my negligence.


Informed Consent

Please note: possession of this form does not indicate certification status with the ISSA. To

confirm active certification status, please call 1.800.892.4772 (1.805.745.8111 international).

Information gathered from this form is not shared with ISSA. ISSA is not responsible or

liable for the use or incorporation of the information contained in or collected from this

form. Always consult your doctor concerning your health, diet, and physical activity.

International Sports Sciences Association